Pass Your GCSE Maths with Confidence – from £8.25/month
Gain the edge you need to succeed with 21C Pocket Maths. Our affordable, complete learning platform comprises video lessons, interactive games, and in-depth resources—everything you need to build confidence and achieve top grades in GCSE maths.

Why Choose Pocket Maths?
Over 240 Tailored Video Lessons
Learn at your own pace with expert-led videos that cover every key topic in GCSE maths. Each lesson breaks down complex concepts into simple steps to build your understanding. -
700+ Interactive Games for Fun Learning
Reinforce what you've learned through gamification! Every lesson includes three unique games, turning practice into an interactive, fun experience. With over 700 games, you'll always find a new challenge waiting. -
Nearly 1,000 Pages of Printable Revision Resources
Download over 240 PDF workbooks, totalling nearly 1,000 pages—perfect for offline revision. These workbooks help strengthen your understanding with extra exercises and notes. -
5,000+ Practice Questions
Test your knowledge with thousands of multiple-choice and structured questions, each designed to deepen your understanding and build exam confidence. -
Real-Time Feedback and Progress Tracking
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Master GCSE and IGCSE Maths with Pocket Maths
Our curriculum, created by top teachers, fully aligns with AQA, Edexcel, CIE, and all major GCSE and IGCSE exam boards. Covering everything you need to know, Pocket Maths is more than just revision—it’s a complete learning experience that builds proper understanding.
We’ve designed each topic to build your confidence and ensure you’re learning maths for life—not just for exams.
What Makes Pocket Maths Different?
At Pocket Maths, we don’t just throw resources at you. Every lesson, game, and question is crafted to help you genuinely understand maths, not just memorise it. This unique approach means you’ll experience quality, depth, and lasting impact. Whether aiming to pass or master maths, Pocket Maths gives you all the tools to succeed.
Join students who are already boosting their skills with Pocket Maths. Get started today for GCSE success!

Master fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios—essential skills that are the foundation for all other maths topics.

Build confidence with algebraic expressions, equations, and graphs to prepare you for any question.

Understand shapes, angles, transformations, and trigonometry—skills you'll need to visualise and solve real-world problems.

Develop a clear understanding of data, probability, and statistics—crucial skills for exams and everyday life.

Get to grips with ratios and rates, which are essential not just for exams but also for practical subjects like science and economics.
Scheme of Learning:
Adding of numbers up to HTU + HTU |
Subtraction of numbers up to HTU – HTU |
Multiplication of numbers up to HTU x HTU |
Division by numbers 1-12 and 15, resulting in integer answers |
Division by numbers 1-12 and 15, resulting in decimal answers |
Solving quantity problems with addition, subtraction and multiplication |
Solving quantity problems including division |
Listing factors and multiples |
Identifying primes |
Evaluate powers |
Evaluate roots up to the square root of 169 |
Follow the correct order of operations for the four main operations |
Follow the correct order of operations including indices and roots |
Insert brackets correctly to make a sum correct |
List factors or multiples to find the HCF or LCM |
Solve applied factor or multiple problems including with time |
Express a number as a product of its prime factors |
Use Venn diagrams and prime factor form to find HCFs and LCMs |
Add and subtract with negative numbers |
Multiply and divide with negative numbers |
Perform multistep calculations involving negatives |
Calculate utility bills |
Evaluate with negative integer and zero indices |
Simplify fractions |
Find a missing numerator or denominator based on equivalent fractions |
Compare two fractions with different denominators |
Order three or four fractions with different denominators |
Find which of two fractions is closer to 1 |
Evaluate a unit-fraction of an amount |
Evaluate a non-unit-fraction of an amount |
Work back from a non-unit-fraction of an amount to the original amount |
Convert mixed numbers into improper fractions |
Convert improper fractions into mixed numbers |
Multiply fractions by other fractions or integers |
Divide fractions or integers by fractions |
Add or subtract fractions with different denominators |
Calculate with mixed numbers using any of the four operations |
Find shaded fractions of shapes using fraction equivalence |
State the value of digits within numbers up to 5 digits long |
Use given digits to make smallest/largest even/odd numbers, or multiples of 5 |
Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 |
Order decimal numbers by considering place value |
Add and subtract decimals by considering place value |
Multiply and divide numbers by powers of 10 |
Round numbers to a specified number of decimal places |
Round numbers whose first digit is non-zero to a specified number of significant figures |
Round numbers whose first digit is a zero to a specified number of significant figures |
Estimate calculations including consideration of the order of operations |
Multiply decimals up to 3 digits by 2 digits |
Divide integers and decimals by decimals with digits up to 12 |
Find error intervals for numbers that were rounded to nearest 10, 100 or a specified number of decimal places |
Find error intervals based on truncated numbers |
Write ordinary numbers as standard form numbers |
Convert standard form numbers to ordinary numbers |
Multiply two standard form numbers |
Divide two standard form numbers |
Add and subtract two standard form numbers |
Convert decimals and percentages into fractions |
Convert fractions into decimals and percentages |
Calculate 50%, 25%, 20%, 10% and 5% of integers |
Calculate any integer percentage of numbers |
Increase and decrease amounts by a percentage |
Calculate in worded scenarios with fractions, decimals and/or percentages of amounts |
Work from a given percentage back to an original amount |
Increase and decrease amounts by compound percentage |
Calculate percentage change from two given amounts |
Write expressions to represent the four main operations |
Collect like terms using addition only |
Collect like terms using addition and subtraction |
Represent multiplicative relationships using index laws |
Simplify using addition and subtraction index laws |
Simplify using multiplicative index law |
Collect like terms including with powers |
Expand a bracket of the form a(x+-b) |
Expand a bracket of the form x(x+-b) and ax^n(bx^n+-c) where one of a and b = 1 |
Expand a pair of brackets of the form a(x+-b) and simplify including negatives |
Factorise an expression of the form ax+-b |
Factorise an expression of the form x^n +-bx |
Simplify expressions of the form ax^n x bx^m, ax^n / bx^n and (ax^n)^m |
Factorise an expression including two variables or higher powers |
Expand double brackets of the form (x+a)(x+b) |
Expand double brackets of the form (ax+-b)(cx+-d) |
Factorise a quadratic of the form x^n + bx + c |
Factorise quadratics of the form x^n +- bx +- c |
Substitute positive integers into simple expressions of the form ax+-b |
Substitute positive integers into expressions involving the order of operations |
Substitute negatives or fractions into expressions |
Generate terms in a sequence using a linear nth term |
Identify an nth term expression of the form an+-b and use it to find a higher term in the sequence |
Use solving techniques to see if a number is in a linear sequence |
Plot and identify equations of horizontal and vertical lines |
Plot lines of the form y=ax+-b using a table of values |
Plot lines of the form y=a-bx using a table of values |
Plot lines by considering the gradient and intercept on a unit grid |
Plot lines by considering the gradient and intercept on a non-unit grid |
Plot lines that require rearranging first |
Identify equations of linear graphs |
Find equations of linear graphs from two given coordinates |
Use two given coordinates on a linear graph to find another point based on a ratio or fraction |
Generate terms of a quadratic sequence |
Plot a non-linear graph using a table of values (cubic, reciprocal and exponential) |
Identify non-linear graphs (cubic, reciprocal and exponential) |
Evaluate outputs in two-step function machines and work back from given outputs |
Solve equations of the type ax +- b = c with integers |
Solve equations of the type ax +- b = c fractional/negative solutions |
Solve equations of the type x/a+-b = c |
Solve equations of the form ax+-b = cx+-d |
Solve equations of the form ax+-b = c-dx, a-bx = dx+-c and a-bx = c-dx with integer solutions |
Solve equations with x’s on both sides with negative or fractional solutions |
Solve equations with x’s on both sides involving the expansion of brackets |
Solve equations with x’s on both sides where one side is a fractional expression |
List integers that satisfy a given inequality |
Solve two-step inequalities of the form ax+-b><c and represent solutions on a number line |
Solve two-step inequallities of the form a<bx+-c<d and represent solutions on a number line |
Identify inequalities from given number lines |
Form and solve two-step equations from given perimeters or known angle sums |
Form and solve equations with x on both sides based on equal sides or equal angles |
Form and solve a mixture of two-step and equations with x’s on both sides including the use of brackets |
Form and solve two-step equations based on worded relationships, including the use of brackets |
Rearrange two-step formulae involving the four operations |
Rearrange formulae including roots and powers |
Solve simultaneous equations with positive coefficients |
Solve simultaneous equations with negatives |
Solve simultaneous equations with fractions |
Solve quadratics of the form x^n + ax + b = 0 |
Solve quadratics of the form x^n +- ax +- b = 0 |
Identify turning points and solutions of given quadratic graphs |
Name 2D shapes |
Identify how many lines of symmetry a 2D shape has, and it’s order of rotational symmetry |
Identify congruent 2D shapes |
Find area and perimeter of 2D shapes shown on grids – squares, rectangles and simple compound shapes |
Find area and perimeter of rectangles with given measurements |
Work back from given areas/perimeters of rectangles and find whichever was not given |
Find area and perimeter of triangles using both grids and given measurements |
Solve applied problems involving the area/perimeter of rectangles and triangles |
Find area and perimeter of compound shapes including triangular parts, where measurements are given |
Find area and perimeter of parallelograms using both grids and given measurements |
Find area and perimeter of trapeziums using both grids and given measurements |
Solve applied problems involving area/perimeter of trapezium and compound shapes |
Work backwards from given areas of triangles/parallelograms/trapeziums |
Naming types of triangle |
Identifying types of angles |
Drawing and measuring angles |
Find missing angles in scalene triangles, quadrilaterals along a line and around a point |
Find missing angles in isosceles and equilateral triangles |
Solve multistep 2D angle problems (e.g. involving angles in a triangle and around a point) |
Find interior angles of regular and irregular polygons |
Find angles in adjoining regular and irregular polygons |
Find angles in polygons using ratio, descriptions and algebra |
Find the number of sides of a polygon based on an exterior angle |
Identify alternate, corresponding and co-interior angles on parallel lines |
Solve problems using parallel line facts alongside other angle facts |
Find missing sides in right-angled triangles using Pythagoras’ theorem |
Find areas/perimeters of 2D shapes using Pythagoras’ theorem |
Find missing lengths in right-angled triangles using Trigonometry, where the unknown is the numerator |
Find missing lengths in right-angled triangles using Trigonometry, including where the denominator is unknown |
Find missing angles in right-angled triangles using Trigonometry |
Find missing lengths in similar 2D shapes |
Find missing lengths in nested triangles |
Naming 2D shapes and 3D solids |
Identifying number of faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes |
Draw accurate nets of cuboids |
Naming solids from nets |
Find volume of cuboids, triangular prisms, and trapezium-faced prisms |
Find volume of compound prisms |
Find surface area of cuboids |
Find surface area of triangular prisms, trapezium-faced prisms and compound prisms |
Finding missing lengths of cubes based on volume or surface area |
Finding missing lengths of various prisms |
Solve applied cuboid problems involving volume or surface area |
Label parts of circles |
Find the area and circumference of circles in exact and rounded forms |
Find the area and perimeter of quarter/semi-circles |
Find missing radii / diameter from given areas/circumferences |
Solve applied area/perimeter problems involving semi/quarter-circles |
Find volume and surface area of cylinders in exact and rounded forms |
Solve applied volume and surface area problems relating to cylinders |
Find arcs and areas of sectors |
Create perpendicular and angle biscectors using compasses |
Solve applied problems involving loci |
Convert metric units of length, weight and capacity |
Convert between units of time |
Plot and read distance-time graphs involving simple speed calculations |
Solve Speed-Distance-Time problems including use of decimal operatios |
Solve Density-Mass-Volume problems including missing lengths of cuboids |
Solve Pressure-Force-Area problems with a variety of prisms |
Find speeds or densities from problems involving two or more combined distances/volumes |
Performing translations |
Performing reflections in horizontal, vertical and diagonal (y=x) lines |
Performing rotations |
Describing translations, reflections and rotations |
Multistep translation, reflection and rotation problems |
Performing enlargements (positive scale factor only) |
Describing enlargements |
Perform Enlargement / Describe enlargement |
Draw column vectors on a grid |
Add, subtract and multiply two column vectors |
Write events as fractional probabilities and represent on probability scales |
Use probabilities summing to 1 to find missing probabilities (in decimal, percentage and fractional form) |
Represent outcomes in Sample Space diagrams |
List outcomes that are a combination of two variables |
Find conditional and non-conditional probabilities from given two-way-tables |
Construct two-way-tables from listed information and find conditional and non-conditional probabilities |
Complete frequency trees from listed information and find conditional and non-conditional probabilities |
Complete tables of probability adding to 1, and use to find frequency estimates |
Complete tables of probability with more than one missing value, using algebra or ratio |
Complete non-conditional tree diagrams and find probabilities from them |
Complete two-way Venn diagrams |
Find conditional and non-conditional probabilities from Venn diagrams (not using set notation) |
Find mean, median, mode and range from lists of numbers |
Find mode of qualitative data from a variety of simple graphs |
Freq tables / grouped freq tables |
Find mean, median and mode from non-grouped frequency tables and from bar graphs |
Find mean, median and mode from grouped frequency tables and from bar graphs |
Find a mean for a subset or total set of data by working backwards from another mean |
Interpret timetables |
Complete and interpret bar charts including with non-unitary scales |
Complete and interpret comparative / composite bar charts including with non-unitary scales |
Draw and interpret pictograms |
Complete a Stem and Leaf diagram from a list of data |
Find averages from a Stem and Leaf diagram |
Compare distributions from a back-to-back Stem and Leaf diagram using range and median |
Draw pie charts to represent data |
Use proportionality to interpret and compare pie charts |
Draw Frequency Polygons including with non-unitary scales |
Complete and describe scatter graphs; interpolate and caution against extrapolation |
Interpret time series graphs |
Simplify ratio |
Rewrite ratios in the form 1:n or n:1 |
Convert ratio into a fraction / percentage and vice versa |
Share an amount by a given ratio |
Use a ratio based on a given part, total or difference |
Solve multistep problems involving ratio and fractions/percentages |
Solve applied ratio problems including use of LCM, multiplication |
Use unitary proportion method for weights, prices etc |
Use unitary proportion to find better value for money items |
Use unitary proportion to find quantities needed in recipes |
Consider limiting ingredients in recipes |
Convert between currencies |
Use conversion graphs to convert quantities including when extrapolation is needed |
Use direct proportion to solve problems e.g. sampling |
Use inverse proportion to solve contextual problems |
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